King RoyalEnterprises

purple crown

Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Managemental Ideas


This is the second book of mangement that I have written and while some might consider it a sequal, really they are quite different books, from different apescts and points of view. In my first boook Management Meant Something I covered with practical hands on application for work in a shop or similar type trade from personal experience with only some theoretical ways of doing things. In this book I hope to cover the more theoretical points of view and aspects of more modern day technigues through internet applications, ofice type procedure of staying tidy and well organised, while you process the great amounts of work on a day to day basis.

Therefore while my first book was on hands on of the doing of things, this one will be more office type procedure of processing work through organisational systems and methods of being productive on a more liberal point of views understanding. If you like, the fist book addressed a more political Labour's point of view, this one will be more of a Liberal political point of view and these days and those days are more along the lines of how I would prefer to vote within the Australian Political circuit of economical ascpects and management practise of achievement. This will be a far more clerical address of getting work done and it will share some of the management experiences that I go through in maintaining a website and writing books for readers entertainment.

With understanding meaning of interest in work ethics and the observation that you make of me and I of you as readers once again, leaders must have someone to lead, whether it is by verbal delegation or the writing of literature to lead and guide in oral and written dialogue for discussion or copying of work operations and procdeure style. Management ideas will mean adoptiing a leadership style for work productivity and it will aslo incorporate getting into systems design and procedure for righting of the problems that face us all in day to day activities of work. In fact this book will be all about the type of work that I do now and what relevance to you and your ideas of getting things done for achievement, this is going to be a replica and repesentation of the daily work ethics of business achievement for both of us.

So as we look at the future and learn from the mistakes of the past, we venture further into the realms of management practice and getting things done. While the chapter and page titles will reflect the attitude of mind for daily work ethics for procedure of getting things done, there will still be time for a cup of tea and a day in the park or out on a day trip somewhere, but with a more concentrated effort for developement in the art of creative and liberal writing, there will be a source of information for all to look at, draw from and laugh it you like, while others go about the business of getting things done. I hope to be entertaining, but I also hope to be more practical in work ethics, where by the achievement of quantity reflects the quality of work for the qualifications of discussion and in that do we reflect the difference.

Please enjoy the work as it gets done.
