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Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Leading Written Thought

Leading written thought is getting back a bit to what the heart can concieve and the mind can believe and visa versa. What comes from the head can be very different to what comes from the heart, but still we need a receptivity and a connectivity to function logically and normally. It is when we get unity in thinking wth associated and agreeing thoughts from the head and heart do we start to get a normal flow of continuitous thinking. You can not write while argueing with yourself even if your arguement is feasonable to you. You must consider the reader first and what feasability their is in writing so that you can be linking and justifying your case as you go. The mind only puts to page what the head says it can and the heart will only lead what it can justify to itself, within the necessary limits of pain, anquish and temperment. So what we need to do is format thinking in our mind first as we go in order to produce a reasonably justified document. Leading written thought can also only be created from a readers point of view in that if it is not good or worthwhile reading, no one will take up the case to do so. Coming back to that and staying ontrack with our leading. The written thought comes from thinking what the mind has read and remembered, that has been fashioned into logical arguement from and for reading through writing. It seems that we have gotton off track a little bit from the deep and meaningful road of life and it is very important to rememeber that real life experiences are also highly worth noting. While writing is a pleasant past time and enjoyment it also has some serious connotations and double meanings if we read it from a shallow perspective or start to go too deep into the subject matter. Writing should be enabled in a logical continuitous fashion and manner so as to extract the personal meaning out of what you are reading for yourself. When the writing is down on a page for decifering, then comes the challenge of using its meaning for leading creative discussion and group sessions of relevant communication. As you cannot really lead properly without verbal communication, even if you have the written dialogue first. One on one coversations are also helpful to discern what has been written as being right or not and also what refers to individual personalities as relevant behaviour. Of cource you must also consider other peoples opinions and just because you have a written document for discussion does not mean that you can justify it with your own ideas and attitudes to the writers, but simply list what basic things are being discussed for the benefit of learning. There is always a creative aspect to writing and the sooner we can learn to pick up those skills the better we will be at leading. Leading wrting comes from being creative and then reading is enabled once the thoughts have been digested. Then the writer can explain them in contemporary sentence structuring. This means understanding dialogue and allows for further thought provocation and enlightenment onto the subject matter and criteria. While we mostly remain nieive to the real truth of literature, we will still always be able to gain some kind of knowledge from the understanding, which gives meaning and makes life worthwhile. Of cource the more we read, the more we have opened our minds and broadened our horizons through the meaningful literature of life. This can be kind of self justified after a while and we must always come back to the test of writing in expressing how we see things as to then show how we explain them to someone else. The more you read and write the better you get through the experience of the process. Read and write to enjoy.